Woke up this morning to 12 degrees, snow and ice, burrrrrrrr. Sounds like a good day to stay inside and work on the blog a little. As before, just a whole lot of day to day life going on, however I did get in a new toy as you can see. As I acquire more and more camera gear, my inexpensive soft case just isn't cutting it, so a more sturdy solution was needed. The second and main reason for the new case, was to be able to take my big camera out on the water and in the kayaks without worry. All kayaking pictures up to this date have all been taken with a small point and shoot or our phone. Not to say they haven't come out pretty good, but it will be nice to get a longer lens and better quality.

I did look at several less expensive options, but none had the water proofing I felt comfortable trusting my gear to. So I decided to bite the bullet once and get the best, enter the Pelican Case. If you are not familiar with these cases, they are pretty much bullet proof as well as air and water tight. You can order these cases in all sizes and shapes to fit your needs. They also come with three different interior options, no foam at all, a divider system or what they call Pick and Pluck foam where you can customize it to your needs. I chose the Pick and Puck for the best protection for my amount of gear. So now we're just waiting for Spring to finally show signs of coming so we can get out on the water again.
On another note, still no grand baby yet as the little stinker is staying put as long as she can and to her moms displeasure, poor Kaileigh is so done with being pregnant and ready for baby. Well, thats it for now, just waiting for her arrival and living life, so until next time.............................